Be part of something big and support Jordanian SMEs

What is CERA?

Corporate Entrepreneurship Responsibility (CER) is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) approach that focuses on promoting entrepreneurship as a means to achieve social, environmental, and economic goals.


MSMEs play a critical role in the Jordanian economy, employing 60% of formal workers and representing 98.5% of all registered businesses. However, despite their significant contribution to job creation, MSMEs only contribute to less than 30% of GDP and 10% of total exports.

One of the main reasons for this is that many enterprises rely on non-local suppliers rather than sourcing their inputs from local MSMEs. This can limit the economic opportunities for local businesses.

Where & When?

Project duration

2021 - 2025

Targeted Governorates

Madaba • Mafraq • Jerash • Ajloun • Karak • Maan • Tafileh • Aqaba


The CERA project aims to build a sustainable ecosystem that connects large Jordanian enterprises with underserved local suppliers.

Network Building

Building an alliance of 30 members

Identification of potential suppliers

supporting 90 MSMEs in underserved areas

Capacity building for suppliers

Upgrading the level of local suppliers

Market facilitation

linking suppliers in underserved areas with larger enterprises

Alliance Members